Monday, September 3, 2012

When it still rains...

Water adapts to shapes, adapts to colours, to temperature… it is science, it is fact, it is common sense. This adaptation is common for everyone, known to everyone, it is out in the open. But what is latent is the deceit of emotions that it bears. But it keeps everyone’s secret, like the best friend, honest and forgiving, accommodating.

A broken heart at a window stares at the falling rain and reminisces lost and distant love, a tear leaves her eyes and mingles with the thousands of heavenly droplets, or tears of some other eyes, for different reasons. The rain is the world crying for her.

A thoughtful heart looks out of another window, and looks at jumbled up words of a poem… the rain is music for him, the drops are words, the cold is the intensity of his soul, and the sky, his audience. The complete setting is a concert, the water is the orchestra.

A lonely heart has a companion; a confidante… the rain imitates a consoling friend. There at the other window, at the far, a buoyant heart dances with the rhythm, from the happiness of life, in sync and in love with the falling rain. The rain is a hundred vibrant colours to her, a bundle of faint scented flowers, a child’s crackling laughter… and the world, a better place.

The rain adapts to emotions, and mirrors the soul of the observer, mingles with existence, devoted to the existence of those at the windows, and itself existing in infinite forms…  and in strict confidence, in essential beauty, in importance of its own presence, in the songs, tears, laughs and companionship… in silence... it still rains…


  1. isn't rain like a blank screen? where we see ourselves?

    1. Nice analogy... but isnt screen a two dimensional concept, whereas imitation a three dimensional one?
